High School Staff Directory

Photo of Dr. William Renne

Dr. William Renne

Principal - High School

Photo of Ms. Christie Austin

Ms. Christie Austin

High School Medical Assistant

Photo of Ms. Christina Ayers

Ms. Christina Ayers

Instructional Aide

Photo of Mr. Paul Becker

Mr. Paul Becker


Photo of Mr. Phil Blumer

Mr. Phil Blumer

Technology Education

Photo of Ms. Kira Borgia

Ms. Kira Borgia

Language Arts

Photo of Ms. Dawn Coletta

Ms. Dawn Coletta

Gdc. Counselor

Photo of Mr. Stephan DeGrosky

Mr. Stephan DeGrosky


HS - ext. 1305 MS - ext. 2023

Photo of Mr. Adam Denevic

Mr. Adam Denevic

Social Studies

Photo of Mr. Brian Dewey

Mr. Brian Dewey

Director of Athletics

Photo of Mr. Jamison Drab
Photo of Ms. Nicole Fitch

Ms. Nicole Fitch


Photo of Mr. Patrick Fordyce
Photo of Ms. Anne Foster

Ms. Anne Foster

9th Gr. Aide

Photo of Ms. Morgan Gulley
Photo of Ms. Adrienne Hassenplug
Photo of Mr. Gregory Henning

Mr. Gregory Henning

Social Studies

Photo of Mr. Daniel Hering
Photo of Mr. Mark Hughes

Mr. Mark Hughes

Social Studies

Photo of Mr. Shawn Humes

Mr. Shawn Humes

Phys. Ed./Health

Photo of Ms. Samantha Jones
Photo of Ms. Timea Kardos
Photo of Ms. Christine Kirsch

Ms. Christine Kirsch

Gdc. Secretary

Photo of Ms. Victoria Knight
Photo of Ms. Kenzi Kuhn

Ms. Kenzi Kuhn

Language Arts

Photo of Ms. Jenna Kunst

Ms. Jenna Kunst


Photo of Ms. Natalie Lacy

Ms. Natalie Lacy

Business Education

Photo of Mr. Braden Lynn
Photo of Ms. Heidi Martin

Ms. Heidi Martin

SAP Counselor

Photo of Ms. Susan McElhinny

Ms. Susan McElhinny

Foreign Language

Photo of Ms. Connie Miller

Ms. Connie Miller

Family Consumer Science

HS ext. 1302 MS ext. 2013

Photo of Ms. Noel Mraz

Ms. Noel Mraz


Photo of Ms. Emalie Nagle

Ms. Emalie Nagle

Language Arts

Photo of Mr. Ryan Neal
Photo of Ms. Laura Neff

Ms. Laura Neff

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Demi Nelson
Photo of Ms. Amy North

Ms. Amy North

Learning Support

Photo of Ms. Laura Panek

Ms. Laura Panek

Gdc. Counselor

Photo of Ms. Angela Parker
Photo of Mr. Paul Pennington

Mr. Paul Pennington

Phys. Ed./Health

Photo of Ms. Tracee Peterson


Social Studies


ISS Facilitator


Instructional Aide

Photo of Mr. Matthew Puskar

Mr. Matthew Puskar

Gdc. Counselor

Photo of Ms. Grisel Rater
Photo of Mr. Kyle Regan

Mr. Kyle Regan

Inst. Support

Photo of Ms. Jenny Riedel
Photo of Mr. Erik Rizzo

Mr. Erik Rizzo

Social Studies

Photo of Ms. Leslie Shickler

Ms. Leslie Shickler

Inst. Support

Photo of Ms. Samantha Szoszorek

Ms. Samantha Szoszorek

Learning Support

Photo of Mr. John Torrelli

Mr. John Torrelli

Language Arts

Photo of Ms. Lexi Vath

Ms. Lexi Vath

Phys. Ed./Health

Photo of Ms. Jamie Wheeler

Ms. Jamie Wheeler


Photo of Ms. Tina Williams

Ms. Tina Williams

Instructional Support

Photo of Ms. Jennifer Wilson

Ms. Jennifer Wilson

Social Studies

Photo of Mr. Tyler Youschak