Intermediate School Staff Directory

Photo of Ms. Dina Hathaway

Ms. Dina Hathaway

Principal - Intermediate School

Photo of Ms. Tammy Aldrich

Ms. Tammy Aldrich

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Colleen Bahm

Ms. Colleen Bahm

4th Grade

Photo of Ms. Susan Beardsley
Photo of Ms. Casee Blackmer

Ms. Casee Blackmer

Learning Support

Photo of Ms. Lee Burch

Ms. Lee Burch

3rd Gr. ‐ ELA

Photo of Ms. Kelsey Cote

Ms. Kelsey Cote

5th Gr. Learning Support

Photo of Ms. Kristen Cozzens

Ms. Kristen Cozzens

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Laura Fordyce

Ms. Laura Fordyce

5th Gr. ‐ ELA

Photo of Ms. Kathleen Gallagher
Photo of Ms. Cynthia Harayda

Ms. Cynthia Harayda

4th Gr. ‐ ELA

Photo of Ms. Kimberly Hart

Ms. Kimberly Hart

School Counselor

Photo of Ms. Adrienne Hassenplug
Photo of Ms. Katie Hering
Photo of Ms. Brittainy Herrmann
Photo of Ms. Amanda Higby

Ms. Amanda Higby

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Amber Hill

Ms. Amber Hill

4th Gr. Learning Support

Photo of Ms. Terri Jeppson

Ms. Terri Jeppson

Aquatics/Library Aide

Photo of Ms. Becky Larson

Ms. Becky Larson

4th Gr. ‐ ELA

Photo of Ms. Kiersten Lawrence

Ms. Kiersten Lawrence

Elementary Center School Nurse

Photo of Mr. William Mackin

Mr. William Mackin


Photo of Ms. Stephanie Makin
Photo of Ms. Andrea Maynard

Ms. Andrea Maynard

Emotional Support

Photo of Mr. Ryan Mitchell

Mr. Ryan Mitchell


Photo of Ms. Justine Newara

Ms. Justine Newara

Emotional and Autistic Support Aide

Photo of Ms. Rita Nicolussi

Ms. Rita Nicolussi

4th Gr. ‐ ELA

Photo of Ms. Mary Olyer
Photo of Ms. Amanda Perez

Ms. Amanda Perez

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Jacqueline Piazza

Ms. Jacqueline Piazza

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Jennifer Porsch


Autistic Support Aide


3rd Gr. ‐ ELA


5th Gr. ‐ Math

Photo of Ms. Kristen Righi

Ms. Kristen Righi

Social & Emotional Learning Specialist

Photo of Ms. Mallory Sarkis

Ms. Mallory Sarkis

Autistic Support

Photo of Ms. Julia Schmidt

Ms. Julia Schmidt

Learning Support

Photo of Mr. Tim Skelly
Photo of Ms. Amy Skrekla

Ms. Amy Skrekla

5th Gr. ‐ Science

Photo of Ms. Sarah Spencer

Ms. Sarah Spencer

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Leah Terry

Ms. Leah Terry

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Gracie Victory

Ms. Gracie Victory

Instructional Aide

Photo of Ms. Kelly Wagner

Ms. Kelly Wagner

5th Gr. ‐ ELA