Please help us by advising your children of the following bus rules:
- Remain seated in your assigned seat facing the front of the bus at all times.
- Always talk quietly.
- Listen to the bus driver.
- No eating, drinking or gum chewing on the bus.
- Ask permission from the bus driver before opening windows. Do not put body parts or other items outside of the window.
- No swearing, rude gestures, or teasing/bullying.
- No pushing or fighting.
- Do not mar, deface or damage the bus in anyway. Vandalism will require restitution by the student.
- No drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons are permitted on the bus.
- No live animals, fish, large objects (such as skateboards/skis) or glass are permitted.
- Any type of accessories (toys, balls, balloons, etc.) must be in a bag at all times while on the bus.
- Aisles must remain clear at all times, therefore, gym bags, band instruments or school projects cannot be placed in the aisles or near the emergency exit door. Items of this nature must not be allowed on the bus unless they can be held on the student’s lap without endangering the safety of other students.
- No throwing or shooting of any objects, (rubber bands, peashooter, straws, water guns, etc.). Immediate disciplinary action will be taken with this offense.
- The emergency door at the rear of the bus is to be opened only on the orders of the bus driver.
- Do not distract the driver through misbehavior in anyway. The driver of each bus has the same authority as a teacher in the classroom and is in charge of the bus. Students are expected to respect the driver at all times.
- Students are not permitted to leave any trash on the bus. The bus is to be as clean at the end of the run as the beginning of the run.