Community Links

Welcome to the North East School District Community Links Page.
Below are various links and details related to frequently asked about topics.
If you have a question or suggestion please contact us at (814)725-8671. Ext. 3904
North East Community
There are many characteristics of the North East Community that set it apart from others. Of these unique qualities the North East School District values the integrated and essential relationships that have been established between the district and various community organizations. Though this cooperative approach between the district and community schools, staff, students, families, and community as a whole are all progressing in sync. Maintenance of these community relationships include:
- Intergovernmental meetings
- Senior Gold Card Program
- Community Education
- 4.N.I.N.E. Partnership
- North East Chamber of Commerce
- North East News Journal
- North East Recreation Commission
- North East Sports Boosters Application
- North East Preschool Registration
North East Chamber
The mission of the North East Chamber of Commerce is to serve the community by providing economic, educational and legislative information and assistance in order to maintain and enhance the community's uniqueness and quality of life.
Share your favorite NE pics!
The North East Community experiences such a variety of seasonal landscapes.
Please share your favorite images and see them displayed on the NE District Gallery page.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.